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1、一种适用于盒状结构的激光对接焊的车身结构及焊接方法 (专利号:201210124181.x)
2、大尺寸腔体结构薄壁件的激光切割焊接夹具及焊接方法 (专利号:201510859056.7)

科研项目 共26项

(10)轿车产品开发过程建模、优化和管理;国家技术创新重点项目; 120万元。(项目负责人)
(11)轿车白车身焊接总装线规划与仿真分析;国家技术创新重点项目; 200万元。(项目负责人)
(12)基于过程模型的汽车产品开发质量评价方法研究;车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室基金; 5万元。(项目负责人)
(23)汽车产业共性技术重大专项—具有自主知识产权的中高档轿车整车研发;长沙市科技局重大专项; 210万。(参与)
(24)汽车全生命周期节能减排评价研究;国家自然科学基金; 24万元。(参与)
(25)汽车发动机曲轴高效精密加工成套装备-汽车零部件加工成套化生产线;国家863计划; 80万元。(参与)

部分学术论文 共21篇

(1)Guiliang Gong, Chiong Raymond, Qianwang Deng*, Wenwu Han, Like Zhang, Wenhui Lin; Kexin Li. Energy-efficient flexible flow shop scheduling problem with worker flexibility. Expert Systems With Application, 2020, (141): 112902. (SCI二区, TOP)
(2)Guiliang Gong, Chiong Raymond, Qianwang Deng*, Qiang Luo. A memetic algorithm for multi-objective distributed production scheduling: minimizing the makespan and total energy consumption. Journal of intelligent manufacturing, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-019-01521-9. Published on line: 10 January, 2020 (SCI 二区)
(3)Wenhui Lin, Qianwang Deng*, Wenwu Han, Guiliang Gong, and Kexin Li. An effective algorithm for flexible assembly job‐shop scheduling with tight job constraints. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1111/itor.12767. Published on line: 02 January, 2020. (SCI三区)
(4)Huan Zhu, Qianwang Deng*, Like Zhang, Xiang Hu, Wenhui Lin. Low carbon flexible job shop scheduling problem considering worker learning using a memetic algorithm. Optimization and Engineering, 2020, 21(4), 1691-1716. DOI: 10.1007/s11081-020-09494-y. Published on line: Feb.2020. (SCI三区)
(5)Like Zhang, Qianwang Deng*, Guiliang Gong, Wenwu Han. A new unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with tool changes to minimise the total energy consumption. International Journal of Production Research, 2019, Published online: Nov. 2019, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2019.1685708 (SCI二区)
(6)Guiliang Gong, Qianwang Deng*, Raymond Chiong, Xuran Gong, Hezhiyuan Huang and Wenwu Han. Remanufacturing-oriented process planning and scheduling: mathematical modelling and evolutionary optimization. International Journal of Production Research, 2020. Vol. 58, No. 12, 3781–3799, https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2019.1634848 (SCI二区)
(7)Wenwu Han, Qianwang Deng*, Wenhui Lin, Xuran Gong, Sun Ding. Variation propagation modeling and analysis of automotive body outer cover panels assembly systems. Assembly Automation, 2019, 39(2): 272–286 (SCI三区)
(8)Guiliang Gong, Qianwang Deng*, Raymond Chiong, Xuran Gong, Hezhiyuan Huang. An effective memetic algorithm for multi-objective job-shop scheduling. Knowledge-based Systems, 2019, 182 (2019) 104840 (SCI一区,TOP)
(9)Gong, Guiliang; Chiong, Raymond; Qianwang Deng*; Gong, Xuran. A hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm for flexible job shop scheduling with worker flexibility. International Journal of Production Research, 2019, In Press (SCI二区)
(10)Haolan Liao, Qianwang Deng, Neng Shen. Optimal Remanufacture-up-to strategy with Uncertainties in Acquisition Quality, Quantity, and Market Demand. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 206: 987-1003 (SCI一区,Top期刊)
(11)Haolan Liao, Qianwang Deng*. EES-EOQ model with uncertain acquisition quantity and market demand in dedicated or combined remanufacturing systems. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2018,64:135–167 (SCI一区,Top期刊)
(12)Haolan Liao, Qianwang Deng*. A carbon-constrained EOQ model with uncertain demand for remanufactured products. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018,199:334-347 (SCI一区,Top期刊)
(13)Guiliang Gong, Qianwang Deng*, Xuran Gong, Wei Liu, Qinghua Ren. A new double flexible job shop scheduling problem integrating processing time, green production, and human factor indicators. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018,174:560-576 (SCI一区,Top期刊)
(14)Juan Zhou, Qianwang Deng*, Tong Li. Optimal acquisition and remanufacturing policies considering the effect of quality uncertainty on carbon emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 186:180-190 (SCI一区,Top期刊)
(15)Haolan Liao, Qianwang Deng*, Yuanrui Wang, Shumin Guo, Qinghua Ren. An environmental benefits and costs assessment model for remanufacturing process under quality uncertainty. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018,178:45-58 (SCI一区,Top期刊)
(16)Xuran Gong, Qianwang Deng*, Guiliang Gong, Wei Liu, Qinghua Ren. A memetic algorithm for multi-objective flexible job-shop problem with worker flexibility. International Journal of Production Research. 2018, 56(7):2506-2522 (SCI 二区)
(17)Guiliang Gong, Qianwang Deng*, Xuran Gong, Like Zhang, He XIE and Haibin WANG. A bee evolutionary algorithm for multi-objective vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Volume 2018, Article ID 2571380,21 pages (SCI)
(18)Haolan Liao, Qianwang Deng* and Yuanrui Wang. Optimal Acquisition and Production Policy for End-of-Life Engineering Machinery Recovering in a Joint Manufacturing/Remanufacturing System under Uncertainties in Procurement and Demand. Sustainability 2017, 9(3), 338-356(SCI/SSCI)
(19)Qianwang Deng, Guiliang Gong, Xuran Gong, Like Zhang, Wei Liu, and Qinghua Ren. A Bee Evolutionary Guiding Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II for Multiobjective Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. Volume 2017, Article ID 5232518, 20 pages(SCI)
(20)Qian-wang Deng,Hao-lan Liao,Bo-wen Xu andXia-hui Liu. The Resource Benefits Evaluation Model on Remanufacturing Processes of End-of-Life Construction Machinery under the Uncertainty in Recycling Price. Sustainability 2017, 9(2), 256-276(SCI/SSCI)
(21)Qianwang Deng, Xun Li, Yuanrui Wang, and Weiming Li. Analysis of End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling Based on Theory of Planned Behavior. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 2017, Volume 34, Number 9: 627-637 (SCI/SSCI)

参编书著 共1册

(1) Deng, Qianwang. A Contribution to the Integration of Knowledge Management into Product Development. 2007, IPE publishing, Magdeburg,Germany. (ISBN 978-3-9807688-8-7)




研究领域:机械制造及其自动化 1、数字化制造(CAD/CAM/CAE/NC一体化技术,与国外大学教授有紧密的学术交流); 2、工程机械再制造工程(曲面数字化再制造技术,无损拆解技术及装备,再制造信息化); 3、智能办公家居设备研究(智能升降桌研发,人体工学支架研发); 4、机电液复合软启动传动与控制技术;
研究领域:机械电子工程,机械设计及理论, 设备状态监测与故障诊断;动态信号分析与处理;汽车振动与噪声控制(NVH);声子晶体/声学超材料性质及应用研究;声学超材料力学性能研究。
研究领域:机械电子工程 , 机电控制、汽车电子、数控技术、图像视觉检测、高等教育管理