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科研项目 共19项

1. 国家基金委重点国际合作项目“降低集约化设施蔬菜生产中施用氮肥对环境的影响”中方主持(2018-2021)
2. 中国烟草总公司云南省公司“密集轮作烟区土壤综合保育提升烟叶质量技术研究与应用 ”课题主持(2017-2019)
3. 留学基金委和德国学术交流协会学术交流计划“海拔高度和养分管理对覆膜水稻节水栽培体系水稻生长和产量的影响”中方主持(2016-2018)
4. 科技部支撑计划项目“设施蔬菜养分管理与高效施肥技术研究与示范”课题主持(2015-2019)
5. 中国烟草总公司云南省公司科技计划项目“烟草内源性抗烟草花叶病毒成分及农艺调控技术研究”主持(2015-2019)
6. 国家自然基金“海拔高度对水稻覆膜旱作土壤碳氮转化和稳定性的影响”主持(2014-2017)
7. 国家自然基金重点项目“水稻覆膜节水防污和减排温室气体效应与机理”课题主持(2012-2016)
8. 中德项目“水稻覆膜节水栽培体系中区域土壤碳氮库评估”中方主持(2011-2013)
9. 国家自然基金“典型草原初级生产力对水氮资源有效性的响应”主持(2011-2013)
10. 国家自然基金“锰和氮素形态影响水稻分蘖和氮代谢的机理”主持(2010-2010)
11. 国家自然基金子课题“设施蔬菜精量滴灌施肥综合栽培技术”子课题主持(2008-2012)
12. 德国科学基金“放牧强度对内蒙古草原水氮碳通量的影响”主持(2007-2011)
13. 国家自然基金“放牧强度对初级产物分配和土壤碳氮转化影响”主持(2005-2007)
14. 粮农组织节水稻作项目“优化旱稻种植体系中水氮管理”主持(2005-2007)
15. 德国科学基金“放牧强度对内蒙古草原水氮碳通量的影响”课题主持(2004-2007)
16. 国家自然基金“水稻覆膜旱作水氮利用效率与N2O排放的机理”主持(2004-2006)
17. 国家自然基金“旱稻水氮利用效率基因型差异及水氮交互作用”主持(2001-2003)
18. 德国科学基金“水稻覆盖旱作的生态环境效应研究”中方主持(2000-2004)
19. 国家自然基金“水稻地表覆盖旱作的氮素营养与环境效应研究”主持(2000-2002)

部分学术论文 共14篇

Lin Guo, Meiju Liu, Yanan Zhang, Yueyue Tao, Fan Zhang, Guoyuan Li, Klaus Dittert, Shan Lin*.2018. Yield differences get large with ascendant altitude between traditional paddy and water-saving ground cover rice production system. European Journal of Agronomy. 92:9-16.
Qing Chen, Zhongliang Wang, Chris B. Zou, Shan Lin* 2018 Plant nitrogen uptake and soil mineralization response to nitrogen addition depended on water availability and grazing history in semi-arid grassland. In press by Journal of Vegetation.
Zhe Chen, Shan Lin*, Zhisheng Yao, Xunhua Zheng, Silvia Gschwendtner, Michael Schloter, Meiju Liu, Yanan Zhang, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Michael Dannenmann Enhanced nitrogen cycling and N2O loss in water-saving ground cover rice production systems (GCRPS). Accepted by Soil Biology and Biochemistry (IF5yr 5.50).
Lin Guo, Meiju Liu, Yueyue Tao, Yanan Zhang, Imran Mehmood, Guoyuan Li, Shan Lin*, Klaus Dittert. 2018. Innovative water-saving ground cover rice production system produces more rice with slight reduction in grain quality. Resubmitted to Field Crops Research after major revision.
Yanan Zhang, Meiju Liu, Gustavo Saiz, Michael Dannenmann, Lin Guo, Yueyue Tao, Jianchu Shi, Qiang Zuo, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Guoyuan Li, Shan Lin*.2017.Enhancement of root systems improves productivity and sustainability in water-saving ground cover rice production system. Field Crops Research 213:186-193.
Qing Chen, David U. Hooper, Xiaoying Gong, Fei Peng, Hong Wang, Klaus Dittert and Shan Lin* 2017 Effects of resource addition on recovery of production and plant functional composition in degraded semiarid grasslands. Oecologia 184:13-24 (IF5yr 3.62)
Zhisheng Yao*, Xunhua Zheng, Yanan Zhang, Chunyan Liu, Rui Wang, Shan Lin, Qiang Zuo, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl 2017 Urea deep placement reduces yield-scaled greenhouse gas (CH4 and N2O) and NO emissions from a ground cover rice production system. Scientific Reports, 7:11415 (IF5yr 5.50).
Yanan Zhang, Meiju Liu, Michael Dannenmann, Yueyue Tao, Zhisheng Yao, Ruying Jing, Xunhua Zheng, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Shan Lin* 2017 Benefit of using biodegradable film on rice grain yield and N use efficiency in ground cover rice production system. Field Crops Research 201:52-59. (IF5yr 3.35)
Yao Zhisheng*, Zheng Xunhua, Liu Chunyan, Lin Shan, Zuo Qiang, Butterbach-Bahl Klaus 2017 Improving the environmental sustainability of rice production by using biodegradable films to reduce water demand and greenhouse gas emissions. Scientific Reports 7:39855 DOI:10.1038/srep39855 (IF5yr 5.50).
Xiaoying Gong, Marcus Giese, Klaus Dittert, Shan Lin*, Friedhelm Taube.2016. Topography influences climatic controls on shoot litter and root decomposition in semiarid hilly grassland. Geoderma 282, 112-119.(IF5yr 3.52)
Shimeng Chen, Shan Lin*, Ralf Loges, Mario Hasler and Friedhelm Taube.2016.Comparison of ingrowth-core and sequential soil core methods forestimating belowground net primary production in grass-clover swards. Grass and Forage Science. 71:515-528. (IF5yr 2.01)
XinxinJin, QiangZuo,Wenwen Ma, Sen Li, Jianchu Shi*, Yueyue Tao, Yanan Zhang, Yang Liu, Xiaofei Liu, Shan Lin, Alon Ben-Gal.2016.Water consumption and water-saving characteristics of a ground cover rice production system. Journal of Hydrology. 540:220-231.12. (IF5yr 3.91)
Shimeng Chen*, Shan Lin, Ralf Loges, Mario Hasler and Friedhelm Taube.2016. Independence of seasonal patterns of root functional traits and root strategy of a frass-clover swards from ward age and slurry application. Grass and Forage Science. 71:607-621.(IF5yr 2.01)
王敬国, 林杉, 李保国. 2016, 氮循环与中国农业氮管理中国农业科学, 49:503-517.



研究领域:根际营养与磷资源高效利用: 1. 玉米根系 2. 氮磷高效生理遗传育种
研究领域:1. 废弃物资源肥料化利用 2. 设施土壤改良与面源污染防控
研究领域:1. 植物营养调控与施肥技术创新研究 2. 养分综合管理
研究领域:1. 土壤物理 2. 作物水分利用与节水农业 
研究领域:1. 土壤、地表水和大气的环境质量演变与驱动机制 2. 土壤碳氮循环与温室气体排放 3. 土壤氮素非生物转化的机制