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朱国元博士课题组现主要研究方向为中药活性成分的发现、中药质量标准及中药新产品开发。课题组通过对乌药、火麻仁、桂枝、人参、川楝子、灯台叶、铁罗、血党、鹰爪花、升麻、泽泻等中药成分的研究发现新骨架化合物20个,新化合物近300个。首次报导了人参中抗肿瘤活性成分原人参二醇通过内置网应激信号通路诱导凋亡的分子机制,发现了多种中药活性成分对雌激素受体、表皮生长因子受体、NF-κB信号通路、肿瘤多药耐药、细胞自噬、凋亡、周期调控和分化等方面的药效及分子机理研究。在Organic Letters、The Journal of Organic Chemistry、Journal of Natural Products、European Journal of Pharmacology,Biochemical Pharmacology等杂志发表近60篇研究论文,总引用率大于1100次,H-index 为 20。申请国际专利10项。获2016中珠医疗生命科学服务一等奖,2017中银学术研究优秀奖。


1、10. Bai Li-Ping, Parhira Supawadee, Zhu Guo-Yuan, Yang Zi-Feng, Liu Liang, Jiang Zhi-Hong. In vitro anti-​influenza virus activities of a new lignan glycoside from the latex of Calotropis gigantean. Granted Innovation Pat. (Aust. (专利号: AU 2014100709 A4 20140724)
2、9. Bai Li-Ping, Parhira Supawadee, Zhu Guo-Yuan, Liu Liang, Jiang Zhi-Hong. Preparation of 2'-​epi-​uscharin from the Latex of Calotropis gigantea with HIF-​1 Inhibitory Activity. Granted Innovation Pat. (Aust. (专利号: AU 2014100813 A4 20140828)
3、8. Bai Li-Ping, Parhira Supawadee, Zhu Guo-Yuan, Li Ting, Liu Liang, Jiang Zhi-Hong. Method of using epidioxysterols from Calotropis gigantea to inhibit IKK-​β activity. Granted Innovation Pat. (Aust. (专利号: AU 2014100822 A4 20140814)
4、7. Jiang Zhi-Hong, Wang Jing-Rong, Chen Cheng-Yu, Zhu Guo-Yuan. Method of isolating phenanthroindolizidine alkaloids from tylophora atrofolliculata, compositions comprising them and their medical use. Granted Innovation Pat. (Aust. (专利号: AU 2016100495 A4 20160602)
5、6. Jiang Zhi-Hong, Wang Jing-Rong, Chen Cheng-Yu, Zhu Guo-Yuan. Method of isolating phenanthroindolizidine alkaloids from tylophora atrofolliculata with hif-​1 inhibitory activity, compositions comprising them and their use. Granted Innovation Pat. (Aust. (专利号: AU 2016100494 A4 20160609)
6、5. Li-Ping, Zhou Xiaobo, Chen Ming, Zhu Guo-Yuan, Jiang Zhi-Hong Berberine derivatives, their preperation and use. Granted Innovation Pat. (Aust. (专利号: AU 2017100179 A4 20170330)
7、4. Wang Jing-Rong, Jiang Zhi-Hong, Feng Qi-Tong, Zhu Guo-Yuan, Gao Wei-Na, Yang Zifeng, Zhong Nanshan. Method of isolating anti-​viral ingredients from Baphicacanthus cusia, compositions comprising them and their medical use. U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (专利号: US 20170281702 A1 20171005)
8、3. Zhu Guo-Yuan, Bai Li-Ping, Chen Guang-Ying, Liu Liang, Jiang Zhi-Hong. Isolation and bioactivity of lactam-​bearing limonoids from the twigs and leaves of Amoora tsangii. Granted Innovation Pat. (Aust. (专利号: AU 2014100738 A4 20140731)
9、2. Zhu Guo-Yuan, Bai Li-Ping, Liu Liang, Jiang Zhi-Hong. Limonoids from the fruits of Melia toosendan and their NF-​κB modulating activities. Granted Innovation Pat. (Aust. (专利号: AU 2014100777 A4 20140814)
10、1. Zhu Guo-Yuan, Jiang Zhi-Hong, Yang Ji, Yao Xiao-Jun, Liu Xin, Fu Jing, Bai Li-Ping, Liu Liang. Novel lignanamides and a method of treating neurodegenerative diseases by using the same. Granted Innovation Pat. (Aust. (专利号: AU 2017100992 A4 20170824)

科研项目 共4项


部分学术论文 共12篇

1. Liu X, Yang J, Fu J, Yao XJ, Wang JR, Liu L, Jiang ZH, * Zhu GY*. Aggreganoids A-F, Carbon-Bridged Sesquiterpenoid Dimers and Trimers from Lindera aggregata. Org Lett. 2019, 21(14): 5753-5756.
2. Liu X, Yang J, Yao XJ, Yang X, Fu J, Bai LP, Liu L, Jiang ZH*, Zhu GY*. Linderalides A-D, Disesquiterpenoid-Geranylbenzofuranone Conjugates from Lindera aggregata. J Org Chem. 2019, 84(12):8242-8247.
3. Xu J,# Zhu GY,# Cao D, Pan H, Li YW. Gossypol overcomes EGFR-TKIs resistance in non-small cell lung cancer cells by targeting YAP/TAZ and EGFRL858R/T790M. Biomed Pharmacother. 2019, 115:108860.
4. Zhu GY, * Yang J, Yao XJ, Yang X, Fu J, Liu X, Bai LP, Liu L, Jiang ZH*. (±)-Sativamides A and B, Two Pairs of Racemic Nor-Lignanamide Enantiomers from the Fruits of Cannabis sativa. J Org Chem. 2018, 16;83(4): 2376-2381.
5. Liu X, Fu J, Yao XJ, Yang J, Liu L, Xie TG, Jiang PC, Jiang ZH, * Zhu GY*. Phenolic Constituents Isolated from the Twigs of Cinnamomum cassia and Their Potential Neuroprotective Effects. J Nat Prod. 2018,22;81(6): 1333-1342.
6. Yang J, Fu J, Liu X, Jiang ZH, Zhu GY*. Monoterpenoid indole alkaloids from the leaves of Alstonia scholaris and their NF-κB inhibitory activity. Fitoterapia. 2018, 124:73-79.
7. Zhu GY, Yao XJ, Liu L, Bai LP, Jiang ZH. Alistonitrine A, a Caged Monoterpene Indole Alkaloid from Alstonia scholaris. Org Lett. 2014, 16(4): 1080-1083.
8. Zhu GY, Bai LP, Liu L, Jiang ZH. Limonoids from the fruits of Melia toosendan and their NF-κB modulating activities. Phytochemistry. 2014, 107:175-81.
9. Zhu GY, Chen G, Liu L, Bai LP, Jiang ZH. C-17 lactam-bearing limonoids from the twigs and leaves of Amoora tsangii. J Nat Prod. 2014, 77(4): 983-9.
10. Zhu GY, Wong BC, Lu A, Bian ZX, Zhang G, Chen HB, Wong YF, Fong WF, Yang Z. Alkylphenols from the Roots of Ardisia brevicaulis Induce G1 Arrest and Apoptosis through Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Pathway in Human Non-small-cell Lung Cancer Cells. Chem Pharm Bull. 2012, 60(8): 1029-1036.
11. Zhu GY, Li YW, Tse AK, Hau DK, Leung CH, Yu ZL, Fong WF. 20(S)-Protopanaxadiol, a metabolite of ginsenosides, induced cell apoptosis through endoplasmic reticulum stress in human hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 2011, 668(1-2): 88-98.
12. Zhu GY, Li YW, Hau DKP, Jiang ZH, Yu ZL, Fong WF. Protopanaxatriol-Type Ginsenosides from the Root of Panax ginseng. J Agric Food Chem. 2011, 59(1): 200-5.


中珠醫療生命科學科研獎 二等獎

