“长江学者”特聘教授 协和学者特聘教授 清华大学药学院终身教授 清华大学百人教授
清华大学药学院终身教授 ;清华大学百人教授;“长江学者”特聘教授 协和学者特聘教授



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刘刚教授1985年毕业于哈尔滨师范大学,1994年毕业于北京医科大学药学院并获博士学位。1994年至1997年间前后于军事医学科学院毒物药物研究所及The Scripps Research Institute从事博士后研究工作。后作为高级研究助理在美国加州大学戴维斯分校工作。2000年回到中国医学科学院药物研究所建立了自己的实验室。并于同年及2005年被分别授予“协和学者”教授。2011年始任清华大学教授,在清华大学医学院负责筹建药学系,并担任首任药学系主任。曾兼任中华人民共和国农业部第五届兽药评审专家,现任或曾任Associate Editor of “Molecular Diversity”,曾或现任Journal of Medicinal Chemistry、《中国药物化学杂志》、《中国药学》(英文版)、《药学学报》、《中国病毒病杂志》等期刊编委,现任中国药学会药物化学专业委员会委员,教育部高等学校药学类专业教学指导委员会委员、以及中国药学会药学教育专业委员会委员,北京药学会药物化学专业委员会委员。曾主持美国国家健康研究所(NIH)R01抗SARS-CoV项目,参与Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation的抗结核项目;主持或参与过国家科技部(“863”,“973”)项目、国家重大新药创制项目、国家自然科学基金各类项目,人事部、教育部、卫生部以及企业等多项基金项目。出版《新药研究中的组合化学》一部、英文图书两章、中文图书一章。发表120余篇研究性论文,申请国际国内专利二十余项。

科研项目 共1项

曾主持美国国家健康研究所(NIH)R01 抗 SARS-CoV 项目,参与 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 的抗结核项目;主持或参与过国家科技部(“863”,“973”)项目、国家重大新药创制项目、国家自然科学基金各类项目,人事部、教育部、卫生部以及企业等多项基金项目。

部分学术论文 共403篇

1. Zihua Li, Shujie Zhang, Yudian Zhang, Jin Chen, Fuqing Wu, Gang Liu*,
Guo-Qiang Chen*, Applications and Mechanism of 3-Hydroxybutyrate (3HB)
for Treatments of Colonic Inflammation and Carcinogenesis, 2021, submitted.
2. Xiduan Wei, Jingjia Ye, Yamen Pei, Chunting Wang, Hongzhen Yang, ingyuan Tian, Guangxu Si, Yao Ma*, Kun Wang*, Gang Liu*, Extracellular Vesicles from Colorectal Cancer Cell Promote Cancer Metastasis via the NOD1 Signaling Pathway, submitted.
3. Xueyuan Li, Pengfei Geng, Xiaoqiao Hong, Zhaogang Sun, Gang Liu*,
Detecting and tracking Replicating and Non-replicating Mycobacterium
Tuberculosis in Host Cells with Rv2466c-Dependent Fluorescent Probe, 2021,
4. Pengfei Geng, Xueyuan Li, Xiaoqiao Hong, Zhaogang Sun, Gang Liu*, Synthetic Calanolide Derivatives Using For Detecting Replicating and Non replicating Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Host Cell, 2021, manuscript in
5. Yao Ma, Xue-Peng Zhang, Wenjun Yu, Xueyuan Li, Zijie Liu, Yi Dong,*
Gang Liu*, Palladium-Catalyzed Heck-Type Fluorination of Pyridyl Aldoximes, 2021, manuscript in preparing.
6. Brice A P Wilson, Donna Voeller, Emily A Smith, Antony Wamiru, Ekaterina
I Goncharova, Gang Liu, Stanley Lipkowitz, Barry R O'Keefe , In Vitro Ubiquitination Platform Identifies Methyl Ellipticiniums as Ubiquitin Ligase
Inhibitors, SLAS Discov. 2021, 24725552211000675. doi: 10.1177/24725552211000675.
7. Wenjun YU, Xilei Xie, Yao Ma, Shiping Fang, Yi Dong*, Gang LIU*,
Identification of 1,4-Denzodiazepine-2,5-dione Derivatives as Protein
Synthesis inhibitors with Highly Potent Anticancer Activities, manuscript in
8. Wenju Yu, Yao Ma, Xilei Xie, Gang Liu*, Deuteration of, 4-benzodiazepine-
2,5-dione derivatives significantly improved cancer therapeutic potency in vivo, manuscript in preparing.
9. Chunting Wang, Yameng Pei, Lei Wang, Ye Xiang, Yao Ma*, Gang Liu*,
Constrain the Conformation: Discovery of (1H-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridin-5-
yl)sulfonamide Analogues as Hepatitis B Virus Capsid Assembly Modulator, J.
Med. Chem., 2020, 63, 6066-6089.
10. Yao Ma, Dawei Yin, Hai Qian*, Gang Liu*, Discovery of potent inhibitors
against P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance aided by late-stage
functionalization of 2-(4-(pyridin-2-yl)phenoxy)pyridine analogue, J. Med.
Chem. 2020, 63, 5458-5476.
11. Qiang Wei, Yao Ma, Yi Dong* and Gang LIU*, Coordinating Cu(I) Catalyzed Site-selective Direct sp3C()-H Alkoxylation via the SET Oxidation to form Quaternary -Alkoxylated -Amino Acid Derivatives, Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 5796-5800.
12. Yao Ma, Xueyuan Li, Yi Dong*, Gang Liu*, Discovery of Benzofused Five-Ring Sultams as Dual NOD1/NOD2 Antagonists, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 204
(2020) 112575.
13. Yao Ma, Jingsu Yang, Xiduan Wei, Yi Dong*, Gang Liu*, Nonpeptidic
Quinazolone Derivatives as Dual Nucleotide-Binding Oligomerization
Domain-like Receptors 1/2 (NOD1/NOD2) Antagonists, E. J. Med. Chem. 207
(2020) 112723.
14. Xueyuan Li, Xiao Hu, Zijie Liu, Jingshu Yang, Yi Dong* and Gang Liu*,
Ruthenium oxidase catalysis for cascade C–H alkenylation/annulation of aryl
sulfonamides, J. Org. Chem. 2020, 85, 5916-5926.
15. Jingshu Yang, Xiao Hu, Zijie Liu, Xueyuan Li, Yi Dong*, and Gang Liu*,
Cp*CoIII-catalyzed formal [4+2] cycloaddition of benzamides to afford
quinazolinone derivatives, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 13840-13843, DOI:
16. Jie Wu, Ran Mu, Mingna Sun, Nan Zhao, Miaomiao Pan, Hongshuang Li, Yi
Dong, Zhaogang Sun, Jie Bai, Minwan Hu, Carl F. Nathan, Babak Javid*,
Gang Liu*, Derivatives of Natural Product Agrimophol as Disruptors of
Intrabacterial pH Homeostasis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, ACS Infect.
Dis. 2019, 5(7), 1087-1104 (DOI: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.8b00325).
17. Ran Mu, Chengcheng Kong, Wenjun Yu, Hongyao Wang, Jie Wu, Xueyuan Li, Selin Somersan-Karakaya, Haitao Li, Zhaogang Sun*, Gang LIU*,
Nitrooxidoreductase Rv2466c-Dependent Fluorescent Probe for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Diagnosis and Drug Susceptibility Testing, ACS
Infect. Dis. 2019, 5(6), 949-961 (doi: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.9b00006).
18. Jie Wu, Ran Mu, Zi-Jie Liu, Shi-Chao Lu and Gang Liu*,Scalable total synthesis of a mycobactin T analogue utilizing a novel synthetic and rotection strategy, Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6, 2467-2470, DOI: 10.1039/C9QO00502A.
19. Yameng Pei, Chunting Wang, Haijing Ben, Lei Wang, Yao Ma, Qingyan
Ma, Ye Xiang, Linqi Zhang*, and Gang Liu*, Discovery of New Hepatitis B
Virus Capsid Assembly Modulators by an Optimal High-Throughput Cell- Based Assay, ACS Infect. Dis. 2019, 5, 778−787 (the Challenges and
Opportunities in Hepatitis B, Research special issue. doi: 10.1021/ acsinfecdis.9b00030).
20. Bao R, Tian C, Zhang H, Wang Z, Dong Z, Li Y, Gao M, Zhang H, Gang
Liu,* and Yefeng Tang*, Total Syntheses of Asperchalasines A-E., Angew
Chem Int Ed Engl. 2018 , 57(43): 14216-14220. doi: 10.1002/ anie.201808249.
21. Qiang Wei, Yao Ma, Li Li, Qingfei Liu, Zijie Liu, and Gang Liu*, Synthesis
of Quaternary α-Fluorinated α-Amino Acid Derivatives via Coordinating
Cu(II) Catalytic α-C(sp3)-H Direct Fluorination, Org. Lett., 2018, 20,
7100−7103(Highlight in Synfacts, 2019, 15(02), 0208).
22. Xiaoming Wen, Purong Zheng, Yao Ma, Yingye Ou, Weixin Huang, Shuo
Li, Shoujia Liu, Xuan Zhang, Ziyu Wang, Qianli Zhang, Wenming
Cheng, Ruwen Lin, Hongzu Li, Youyou Cai, Chunyun Hu, Ningbin Wu, Long
Wan, Tingting Pan, Jinlong Yao, Xuelu Bei, Wei-Bin Wu, Jian Jin, Jie Yan*,
and Gang Liu*, Salutaxel, a conjugate of docetaxel and a muramyl dipeptide
(MDP) analogue, acts as multi-functional prodrug that inhibits tumor growth
and metastasis, J. Med. Chem. 2018, 61, 1519-1540.
23. Ana Negri, Prisca Javidnia, Ran Mu, Xiaojie Zhang, Jeremie Vendome, Ben
Gold, Julia Roberts, Dipti Barman, Thomas Ioerger, James Sacchettini, Xiuju
Jiang, Kristin Burns-Huang, Thulasi Warrier, Yan Lin, David Warren, Thijs
Beuming, Hongyao Wang, Jie Wu, Haitao Li, Kyu Rhee, Carl F. Nathan, Gang
Liu*, Selin Somersan-Karakaya*, Identification of a mycothiol-dependent
nitro-oxidoreductase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, ACS Infect. Dis. 2018,
4, 771-787.(*co-senior authors).
24. Da-Wei Yin, Gang Liu*, Palladium-Catalyzed Regioselective C-H
Functionalization of Arenes Substituted by Two N‑Heterocycles and
Application in Late-Stage Functionalization, J. Org. Chem. 2018, 83, 3987-
25. Bo Liu, Xue Liu, Jingren Zhang*, Gang Liu*, A Natural Lipotrisaccharide and Its Derivatives Selectively Lyse Streptococcus pneumoniae via Interaction with Cell Membrane, ACS Infect. Dis. 2017, 3, 438-453.
26. Yi Dong, Gang LIU*, Auxiliary-Assisted Palladium-Catalyzed Direct
C(sp3)−H Sulfonamidation To Afford 1,2-Amino Alcohol Derivatives. J. Org.
Chem. 2017, 82, 3864-3872.
27. Suhua Wang, Jingshu Yang, Xueyuan Li, Zijie Liu, Youzhen Wu, Guangxu
Si, Yiran Tao, Nan Zhao, Xiao Hu, Yao Ma*, Gang Liu*, Discovery of 1,4-
Benzodiazepine-2,5-dione (BZD) Derivatives as Dual Nucleotide Binding
Oligomerization Domain Containing 1 /2 (NOD1/NOD2) Antagonists
Sensitizing Paclitaxel (PTX) to Suppress Lewis Lung Carcinoma (LLC)
Growth In Vivo, J. Med. Chem. 2017, 60 (12), 5162-5192.(DOI:
28. Yi Dong, Suhua Wang, Chunting Wang, Zihua Li, Yao Ma*, Gang Liu*,
Antagonizing NOD2 Signaling with Conjugates of Paclitaxel and Muramyl
Dipeptide Derivatives Sensitizes Paclitaxel Therapy and Significantly Prevents
Tumor Metastasis, J. Med. Chem. 2017, 60, 1219-1224.
29. Maojin Li, Rouli Zhou*, Yi Shan, Li Li, Lin wang, Gang Liu*, Targeting a
novel cancer-driving protein (LAPTM4B-35) by a small molecule (ETS) to
inhibit cancer growth and metastasis, Oncotarget. 2016, 7(36), 58531-58542.
doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.11325.
30. Qidi Wang, Lianfeng Zhang, Kazuhiko Kuwahara, Li Li, Zijie Liu, Taisheng
Li, Hua Zhu, Jiangning Liu, Yanfeng Xu, Jing Xie, Hiroshi Morioka, Nobuo
Sakaguchi*, Chuan Qin*, Gang LIU*, Immunodominant SARS Coronavirus
Epitopes in Humans Elicited both Enhancing and Neutralizing Effects on
Infection in Non-Human Primates, ACS Infect. Dis. 2016, 2, 361-376. DOI:
31. Chong Tian, Xiaoqiang Lei, Yuanhao Wang, Zhen Dong, Gang Liu* and
Yefeng Tang*, Total Syntheses of Periconiasins A–E, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
2016, 55, 6992-6995.
32. Zi-Jie Liu, Xiao-Yong Guo, Gang Liu*, Bioreductive calanolide analogues
against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Chinese Chemical Letters 2016, 27(52),
33. Zijie Liu, Youzhen Wu, Gang Liu*, Efficient and convenient total synthesis of mycothiol on a large scale, J. Chin. Pharm. Sci. 2015, 24(6), 347-355.
34. Nan Zhao, Mingna Sun, Kristin E. Burns-Huang, Xiuju Jiang, Yan Ling,
Crystal M. Darby, Sabine Erht, Gang Liu* and Carl F. Nathan*, Identification
of Rv3852 as an Agrimophol-Binding Protein in Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
PLoS One 2015, 10(5): e0126211. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126211.
35. ZW Chen*, G Liu, XF Lu, L Liu, X Zhang, TCK Lau, SKW Tsui, YX Kang,
PR Zheng, BJ Zheng,Characterisation of novel anti-HIV/tuberculosis natural
product analogues,Hong Kong Med J 2015;21(Suppl 7): S14-7.
36. Qi-Fei Zhong, Rui Liu, and Gang Liu*, Structure-activity relationship studies on quinoxalin-2(1H)-one derivatives containing thiazol-2-amine against hepatitis C virus leading to the discovery of BH6870, Mol. Divers. 2015, 19: 829-853.
37. Xueyuan Li, Yi Dong, Fengyu QU*, Gang Liu*. Synthesis of benzofused five-ring sultams via Rh-catalyzed CH olefination directed by an N-Ac substituted sulfonamide group, J. Org. Chem. 2015, 80, 790−798.
38. Yi Dong, Nana Du, Xueyuan Li, Litao Zheng, Gang Liu*, Tandem
Chloropalladation/Cyclization and Dearomative Cyclization toward
Functionalized Tricyclic Bridged [3.2. 1] Skeleton Compounds, Org. Lett.
2015, 17(16):4110-3.
39. Zijie Liu, Xiaoyong Guo, and Gang Liu*, Modified calanolides incorporated
with furan-2-nitro mimics against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Bioorg. Med.
Chem. Letts. 2015, 25, 1297-1300.
40. Xiao Hu, Yi Dong and Gang Liu*, Copper-catalyzed Ligand-free Amidation of Aryl iodides and Amino Acid Amides to Synthesize 3-(Z)-1H-benzo[e][1,4]diazepin-2(3H)-ones, Mol. Divers. 2015, 19: 695-701.
41. Leilei Zhang, Tianming Yang, Xilei Xie and Gang Liu*, Identification of 3, 5,
6-substituted indolin-2-one's inhibitors of Aurora B by development of a
luminescent kinase assay, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Letts. 2015(25) 2937-2942.
42. Purong Zheng, Selin Somersan Karakaya, Shichao Lu, Julia Roberts, Maneesh Pingle, Thulasi Warrier, David Little, Xiaoyong Guo, Steven Brickner, Carl F. Nathan*, Ben Gold*, Gang Liu*. Synthetic Calanolides with Bactericidal
Activity Against Replicating and Non-replicating Mycobacterium tuberculosiss, J. Med. Chem. 2014, 57(9), 3755–3772.
43. Hong-Shuang Li, Gang Liu*, Copper/Silver-Mediated Cascade Reactions for the Construction of 2-Sulfonylbenzo[b]furans from trans-2- Hydroxyc- innamic Acids and Sodium Sulfinates, J. Org. Chem. 2014, 79, 509−516.
44. Bo Liu, Fa Zhang, Yan Zhang, Gang Liu*, A new approach for the synthesis
of O-glycopeptides through a combination of solid-phase glycosylation and
fluorous tagging (SHGPFT), Org. Biomol. Chem. 2014, 12, 1892–1896.
45. Xilei Xie, Yu Yan, Ning Zhu, Gang Liu*, Benzothiazoles exhibit broad- spectrum antitumor activity: their potency, structure-activity and structure-metabolism relationships, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2014, 76, 67-78.
46. Yaling Gong, Selin Somersan Karakaya, Purong Zheng, Ben Gold, David
Little, Julia Roberts, Thulasi Warrier, Xiuju Jiang, Maneesh Pingle, Carl F.
Nathan*, Gang Liu*, Benzimidazole-Based Compounds Kill Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2014, 75, 336-353.
47. Xiaokang Li, Xinyong Zhang,a Zhao, Jingyu Wang, Gang Liu, and Yanan
Du*, Micro-scaffold array chip for upgrading cell-based high-throughput drug testing to 3D using benchtop equipment, Lab on a Chip 2014,14, 471-481.
48. Yingwei Hou, Shichao Lu and Gang Liu*, Iodine(III)-mediated [3+2]
cyclization for one-pot synthesis of benzo[d]isoxazole-4,7-diol, benzodiisoxazole-4,8-diol, isoxazole[5,4-a]phenazine and indazole-4,7-diol in aqueous medium, J. Org. Chem. 2013, 78, 8386−8395.
49. Yi Dong, Gang Liu*,Rh-Catalyzed Sulfonic Acid Group Directed C-H
Olefination of Arenes, Chem. Comm. 2013, 49, 8066-8068.
50. Yan Zhang, Bo Liu, Gang Liu*, Facile Synthesis of Tetrasaccharide Aided by
Fluorous Chemistry toward a Dengue Virus Vaccine, Mol. Divers. 2013, 17:
51. Mingna Sun, Jinfeng Hu, Xiuyun Song, Donghui Wu, Linglei Kong, Yupeng
Sun, Dongmei Wang, Yan Wang*
, Naihong Chen*
and Gang Liu*
, Coumarin
Derivatives Protect Against Ischemic Brain Injury in Rats, Eur. J. Med. Chem.
2013, 67, 39-53.
52. Crystal M. Darby, Helgi I. Ingólfsson, Xiuju Jiang, Chun Shen, Mingna Sun,
Nan Zhao, Kristin Burns, Gang Liu, Sabine Ehrt, J. David Warren, Olaf S.
Anderson, Steven J. Brickner, and Carl Nathan*, Whole cell screen for
inhibitors of pH homeostasis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, PLOS ONE
2013, 8(7), e68942.
53. Song XY, Hu JF, Sun MN, Li ZP, Wu DH, Ji HJ, Yuan YH, Zhu ZX, Han N,
Liu G, Chen NH*, IMM-H004, a novel coumarin derivative compound,
protects against amyloid beta-induced neurotoxicity through a mitochondrial-dependent pathway, Neuroscience 2013; 242:28-38.
54. Qun-yi LI, Ming-kai XU, Gang LIU, Claus Tornby CHRISTOFFERSEN,
Ming-wei WANG*, Discovery of novel PDE10 inhibitors by a robust
homogeneous screening assay, Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2013: 1-5.
55. Yi Dong, Xiaoyong Guo, YuanYuan Yu and Gang Liu*, Highly
stereoselective synthesis of (Z)- and (E)-chloro-substituted--methylene--butyrolactone by possibly controlling cis- and trans-chloropalladation, Mol.
Divers. 2013, 17(1): 1-7.
56. Xiaoli Zhou, Xilei Xie, Gang Liu*, Quinazoline-2,4(1H,3H)-diones inhibit the growth of multiple human tumor cell lines, Mol. Divers. 2013, 17(2):197-
57. Xiao Yong Guo, Gang Liu*, Scaffold hopping strategy toward calanolides
with nitrogen-containing Heterocycles, Chinese Chemical Letters 2013, 24,
58. Shichao Lu, Purong Zheng, Gang Liu, Iodine(III)-Mediated Tandem Oxidative Cyclization for Construction of 2-Nitrobenzo[b]furans, J. Org. Chem. 2012, 77, 7711-7717.
59. Nan Zhao, Yao Ma, Gang Liu, Solution-phase synthesis of a muramyl
dipeptide analogue MDA, Chinese Chemical Letters 2011, 22(12), 1443-46.)
60. Xiaofan Lu, Li Liu, Xu Zhang, Terrence Lau, Stephen Kwok-Wing Tsui,
Yuanxi Kang, Purong Zheng, Gang Liu* and Zhiwei Chen*, F18, a novel
small molecule NNRTI, inhibits HIV-1 replication using distinct binding
motifs, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2012, 56(1): 341-351.
61. Yu Yan, Qifei Zhong, Nan Zhao, Gang Liu*, Cascade Mitsunobu reaction for the preparation of substituted 2-benzoxazole-N-phenyl and -benzimidazole-N-phenyl derivatives, Mol. Divers. 2012, 16, 157-162.
62. Rui Liu, Zhuhui Huang, Michael G. Murray, Xiaoyong Guo, Gang Liu*,
Quinoxalin-2(1H)-One Derivatives As Inhibitors Against Hepatitis C Virus, J.
Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 5747–5768.
63. Purong Zheng, Shichao Lu, Gang Liu*, An unexpected C–C cleavage reaction: new and mild access to o-OH and o-NH-Tos benzoic acids or benzoamides, Mol. Divers. 2011, 15:971–977.
64. Chunyan Han, Jinlan Zhang, Li Li, Mingyue Zheng, Yao Xiao, Yan Li*, Gang
Liu*. An integrated drug-likeness study for bicyclic privileged structures: from
physicochemical properties to in vitro ADME properties. Mol. Divers. 2011,
65. Yu YAN, Jianjun ZHANG, Zijie LIU, Ruiming XU, Xiao HU, Gang LIU*, A
reversal method of diversity introduction of benzimidazole to synthesize
H+/K+-ATP enzyme inhibitors, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2011, 21, 189-4192.
66. Nan Zhao, Yao Ma, Shengmei Zhang, Xin Fang, Zhenglun Liang, Gang Liu*, New muramyl dipeptide (MDP) mimics without the carbohydrate moiety as
potential adjuvant candidates for a therapeutic hepatitis B vaccine (HBV),
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2011, 21, 4292-4295.
67. Yao Ma, Nan Zhao, Gang Liu*, Conjugate (MTC-220) of muramyl dipeptide analogue and paclitaxel prevents both tumor growth and metastasis in mice, J.Med. Chem. 2011, 54(8): 2767-77.
68. Ning Zhu, Fa Zhang, Gang Liu*, Dynamic Covalent Chemistry of Disulfides
Offers a Highly Efficient Synthesis of Diverse Benzofused Nitrogen-Sulfur
Heterocycles in One Pot. J. Combi. Chem. 2010, 12, 531-540.
69. Gang Li, Dongmei Wang, Mingna Sun, Guangyan Li, Jinfeng Hu, Yun Zhang, Yuhe Yuan, Haijie Ji, Naihong Chen*, Gang Liu. Discovery and
Optimization of Novel 3-Piperazinyl Coumarin Antagonist of Chemokine –
like factor 1 with oral Anti-asthma activity in mice. J. Med. Chem. 2010, 53
(4), 1741–1754.
70. Hai Xue, Xiaofan Lu, Purong Zheng, Li LIU, Chunyan Han, Jinping HU, Zijie
Liu, Tao MA, Yan LI, Lin WANG , Zhiwei CHEN*, Gang LIU*, Highly
suppressing wide type HIV-1 and Y181C mutation by 10-Chloromethyl-11-
Demethyl-12-oxo calanolide A with druggable profile. J. Med. Chem. 2010,
53, 1397–1401.
71. Chen YZ, Liu G, Senju S, Wang Q, Irie A, Haruta M, Matsui M, Yasui
F, Kohara M, Nishimura Y., Identification of SARS-COV spike protein-derived and HLA-A2-restricted human CTL epitopes by using a new muramyl
dipeptidederivative adjuvant., Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2010, 23(1):
72. Hai Xue, Tao Ma, Lin Wang, Gang Liu*, A new method for the synthesis of
N-substituted pyrroles, Chinese Chemical Letters 21 (2010) 1291-1294.
73. Hao Wu, Xilei Xie, Gang Liu*, Parallel Solution Phase Synthesis of
3,6,7−4(3H)-Quinazolinones and Evaluation of Their Antitumor Activities
against Human Cancer, J. Combi. Chem. 2010, 12, 346–355.
74. Leilei Zhang, Yu Yan, Zijie Liu, Abliz Zeper, Gang Liu*, Identification of
Peptide Substrate and Small Molecule Inhibitors of Testis-specific
Serine/Threonine Kinase1 (TSSK1) By the Developed Assays, J. Med. Chem.
2009, 52, 4419-4428.
75. Dongmei Wang, Mingna Sun, Gang Liu*, Substituent Diversity-Directed
Synthesis of Indole Derivatives, J. Combi. Chem. 2009, 11, 556–575.
76. Fa Zhang, Wei Zhang, Yan Zhang, Dennis P. Curran, and Gang Liu*,
Synthesis and Applications of Light-Fluorous Glycosyl Donor, J. Org. Chem.
2009, 74 (6), 2594-2597.
77. Tao MA, Li LIU, Hai XUE, Li LI, Chunyan HAN, Lin WANG, Zhiwei CHEN,
Gang LIU*, Chemical library and structure–activity relationships of 11-
demethyl-12-oxo calanolide A analogues as anti-HIV-1 agents, J. Med. Chem.2008, 51, 1432–1446.
78. Yu-Yan Chen, Wen-Yi He, Yan Wu, Chang-Qun Niu, and Gang Liu*,
Dynamic Selection of Novel Vancomycin N-Terminal Derivatives by Resin-bound Reversed D-Ala-D-Ala, J. Combi. Chem. 2008, 10, 914-922.
79. Xuqin Li, Junli Yu, Song Xu, Nan Wang, Hongzhen Yang, Zheng Yan,
Guifang Cheng, Gang Liu*, Chemical Conjugation of Muramyl Dipeptide and
Paclitaxel to Explore the Combination of Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy
for Cancer, Glycoconj. J. 2008, 25: 415–425.
80. Tao MA, Qi GAO, Zhiwei Chen, Lin WANG, Gang LIU*, Chemical
Resolutions of ()-Calanolide A, ()-Cordatolide A and Their 11-Demethyl
Derivatives, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Letts. 2008,18, 1079–1083.
81. Hai-Yan Zhao, Gang Liu*, Solution-Phase Parallel Synthesis of Diverse 1,5-Benzodiazepin-2-ones, J. Combi. Chem. 2007, 9, 1164 - 1176.
82. Li Li, Zhanguo Wang, Yuyan Chen, Yunyun Yuan, Guanxin Wang, Gang
Liu*, Design and Synthesis of Novel Tricyclic Compounds Based On 4H-Benzo[1,4]thiazin-3-one and 1,1-Dioxo-1,4-dihydro-2H-16-benzo[1,4]thiazin- 3-one, J. Combi. Chem. 2007, 9, 959-972.
83. Hai-Yan Zhao, Gang Liu*, Solution-Phase Synthesis of 2, 3-Dihydro-1,5-
benzothiazepin-4 (5H)-ones, J. Combi. Chem. 2007, 9, 756-772.
84. Zhanguo Wang, Yunyun Yuan, Yuyan Chen, Gangchun Sun, Xianghong Wu,
Shengmei Zhang, Chunyan Han, Guanxing Wang, Li Li, and Gang Liu*,
Parallel Solution-Phase Synthesis of 4H-Benzo[1,4]thiazin-3-one and 1,1-
Dioxo-1,4-dihydro-2H-1λ6-benzo[1,4]thiazin-3-one Derivatives from 1,5-
Difluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, J. Comb. Chem., 2007, 9 (4), 652–660.
85. Yunyun Yuan, Gang Liu*, Li Li, Zhanguo Wang, and Lin Wang, Synthesis of
Benzo[1,4]oxazin-3-one-based Diverse Compounds Using 1, 5-Difluoro-2, 4-dinitrobenzene, J. Combi. Chem. 2007, 9, 158-170.
86. Tian-Ming Yang, Gang Liu*, Solution-Phase Parallel Synthesis of 3-
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