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陈鲲,男NUS博士后、教授、硕士生导师,Keele University senior lectureship(UK)、Macau University ofScience and Techvisiting professor,生物工程系主任、国际教育办主任、基因干扰与应用研究所副所长(主持工作)、广东省第三批高校“千百十工程”校级重点培养对象、广东省普通高校国际暨港澳台联合创新平台:广州大学-keele大学基因干扰应用联合研究中心主任。2004年南京大学生命科学学院生物医药技术国家重点实验室博士;2008年NationaluniversityofSingapore医学院药理学系博士后。2012至今广州大学生命学科学院国际教育办主任2015年至今广东省普通高校国际暨港澳台联合创新平台:广州大学-keele大学基因干扰应用联合研究中主任 2017至今广州大学生物(工程)制药系主任 2018至今广州大学基因干扰与应用研究所所长

科研项目 共23项

1.2012-2015 国家自然科学基金 面上项目) HERG通道参与H2S后处理诱导的心肌保护作用的机制研究(31171281)(主持)
2.2013-2014 国家自然科学基金 (青年项目) 新型糖苷化方法及其在抗生素Fridamycin-ADD合成中应用(21242002)(主要参与)
3.2014-2015 国家自然科学基金 (青年项目) Et-DHA通过抗氧化应激保护癫痫脑神经细胞的分子机制研究 (主要参与)
4.2021-2023 广东省自然科学基金 天然产物来源烯丙基半胱氨酸及没食子酸衍生物对缺血性脑卒中的生物学活性研究)(主持)
5.2015-2017 广东省科技计划 白藜芦醇亚甲胺在制备降血脂药中的应用研究(编号:2014A020212316)(负责主持)
6.2016-2019 广东省高校国际合作重大项目 开发承载和缓释SPRC3D系统治疗脑卒中促轴突再生新药 (2015KGJHZ020)(主持)
7.2016-2018 广州市科技计划 开发承载和缓释SPRC3D系统制备治疗脑卒中和促轴突再生新药(20160299)
8.2014-2015 广州市教育局科普计划 天然产物抗癌作用与肿瘤预防(201470201)(负责主持)
9. 2011-2013 广州市科技计划 P/Q型钙通道CACNA1A基因突变参与偏头痛机制 (10A044)(负责主持)
10. 2008-2011 广州市开发区科技创新计划 中药苦碟子抗中风活性成分筛选、作用机制研发 (负责主持)
11.2019-2020 企业合作项目(深圳派特埃尔生物科技有限公司) NMN抗衰老活性及其机理研究 (负责主持)
12.2018-2020 广州大学重点产学研项目治疗缺血性心脏病C-kit+心肌干细胞富集及分泌物的产业化 (20180718)(负责主持)
13.2018-2020 广州大学重点产学研项目 多靶点肝癌抑制剂 New Tectorigenin 复方颗粒的制备及其产业化 (20180108)(主持
14.2018-2019 企业合作项目(广州暨生元生物科技有限公司)中药复方抗痛风活性及其机理研究(负责主持)
15.2016-2018 企业合作项目(中科富华生物技术有限公司)多效细胞因子生物活性研究 (负责主持)
16.2014-2015 广州大学重点产学研项目 白藜芦醇亚甲胺在制备降血脂药中的应用研究(20140618)(负责主持)
17.2016-2018广州大学2016年科技创新培育基金 广州大学-Keele大学基因干扰应用国际合作基地(20160524)(负责主持)
18.2010-2011 广东省自然基金 新型神经肽调控鱼类摄食与生长的分子机制研究 (9151064201000067) (主要参与)
19.2003-2006 国家与香港联合基金 促胰液素对发育中的小脑的神经营养作用 (30318004)(主要完成)
20.2004-2006 国家自然科学基金 小脑-下丘脑神经环路的功能意义和作用机制 (30370462) (主要参与)
21.2003-2004 南京大学学生创新基金 组胺能与γ-氨基丁酸能神经传递在小脑间位核神经元上相互作用的研究 (负责主持)
22.2005-2007 (BMRC新加坡医药局) alpha1A receptor regulation of HERG K+ channel expression and function (731/05)(完成人)
23.2019.1-2021.12广东省创新创业团队领军人才 1.1类新药SCM—198产业化(2018ZT06Y374通过同行评审(第一核心成员)

部分学术论文 共47篇

1.PengCheng Lv, Kun Chen,Hailiang Zhu, Recent advances of small molecule focal adhesion kinase (FAK) inhibitors as promising anticancer therapeutics. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2021 (correspondence author) (Q2, IF:4.8)
2.Xiao-Hua Zhu, Jun-Xi Du, Dan Zhu, Shen-Zhen Ren , Kun Chen, Hai-Liang Zhu. Recent Research on Methods to Improve TumorHypoxia Environment.Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2020),(correspondence author) (Q2,IF:5.1)
3.Jiaqin Hua, Yan Xueb, Kai Tang, Jing Fan, Jian Zhuang, Kun Chen.The protective effects of hydrogen sulfide on the myocardial ischemia via regulating Bmal1. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2019, (correspondence author) (Q1,IF:3.9)
4.Jingjie Bi, Wenqing Wan , Junxi Du, Kun Chen, Kui Cheng, Structure-activity relationship study and biological evaluation of SAC-Garlic Acid conjugates as novel anti-inflammatory agents. Eur J Med Chem.2019, (correspondence author) (Q1,IF:4.8)
5.Wen-Jing Shi, Yan Huang, Wancui Liu , Jiaqin Hu, Liyao Zheng, Kun Chen. A BODIPY-based ""OFF-ON"" fluorescent probe for fast and selective detection of hypochlorite in living cells. Dyes and Pigments 2019, (correspondence author) (Q1,IF:4.0)
6.Kun Chen, Meng Zhang, Yalin Qi, Jing Fan, Xiang Ma, Hailiang Zhu. Yong Qian. Imaging dynamic changes of intracellular cysteine pool that respond to the stimulation of external oxidative stress. Analyst 2019, (Q1,IF:4.2)
7.Kun Chen, Jing Fan, ZhaoFan Luo, Jing Yang, WenJun Xin, CuiCui Liu. Reduction of SIRT1 epigenetically upregulates NALP1 expression and contributes to neuropathic pain induced by chemotherapeutic drug bortezomib. Journal of Neuroinflammation 2018, (Q1,IF:5.2)
8.Kun Chen,Ya-Liang Zhang , Jing Fan a, Xiang Ma, Ya-Juan Qin,Hai-Liang Zhu Novel nicotinoyl pyrazoline derivates bearing N-methyl indole moietyas antitumor agents: Design, synthesis and evaluation. Eur J Med Chem.2018, (Q1,IF:4.8)
9.Zhi-zhou He, Kun Chen, Optimization of the microwave-assisted extraction of hlorotannins and evaluation of the inhibitory effects of phlorotannin-containing extracts on HepG2 cancer cells* CNS J. Oceanology and Limnology, 2013 (correspondence author) (Q3, IF:0.8)
10.Si W, Zhang Y, Chen K, Hu D, Qian Z, Gong S, Li H, Hao Y, Tao J. Fibroblast growth factor type 1 receptor stimulation of T-type Ca2+ channelshannels in sensory neurons requires the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and protein kinase A pathways, independently of Akt .Cellular Signalling 2018 Jan (Q2,IF:4.0 )( contribute to this work equally)
11.Hu H, Fan X, Yin Y, Guo Q, Yang D, Wei X, Zhang B, Liu J, Wu Q, Oh Y, Chen K, Feng Y, Hou L, Li L, Gu N. Mechanisms of titanium dioxide nanoparticle-induced oxidative stress and modulation of plasma glucose in mice. Environ Toxicol. 2019 (Q2,IF:2.7)
12.Guo Q, Hu H, Zhou Y, Yan Y, Wei X, Fan X, Yang D, He H, Oh Y, Chen K, Wu Q, Liu C, Gu N.Glucosamine induces increased musclin gene expression through endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced unfolding protein response signaling pathways in mouse skeletal muscle cells. Food Chem Toxicol. 2019 (Q1,IF:3.8)
13.Kun Chen, Jian-Jun Wang, Ying Shing Chan, Billy Kwok-Chong Chow, Excitatory effect of histamine on neuronal activity of rat globus pallidus by activation of H2 receptors in vitro, Neuroscience Research 53 (2005) 288–297. Q2, IF:2.6)
14.Kun Chen, Jian-Hua Wang, 4chlorobenzoato2aminopyridinesilver(I), Acta Cryst., 2006.m2055-2c058 (Q3, IF:1.2)
15.Shaoyi Cai,Gengzheng Zhu, Kun Chen, Kui Cheng. Synthesis, structure-anctivity relationships and preliminary mechanism study of N-benzylideneaniline derivatives as potential TLR2 inhibitors. Bioorganic &Medicinal Chemistry, 2018(correspondence author) (Q2, IF:3.0)
16.Xi Li, Jing-Ran Li, Kun Chen, Hai-Liang Zhu, A Functional Scaffold in Marine Alkaloid: An Anticancer Moiety for Human Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 (correspondence author) (Q2, IF:4.8)
17.Kun Chen, Na Ye, Jun Zhang, Jian-Jun Wang, Action of GABAB receptors in GABA and baclofen-induced inhibition of cerebellar interpositus nuclear cells of adult rats in vitro, Brain Research Bulletin 67 (2005) 310–318. (Q2, IF:2.1)
18.Kun Chen, Chang-Hong Liu, trans-Bis{2-[3-(cyclohexylamino)propyl- 2iminomethyl]phenolato-} Acta Cryst., 2007 m2033-2043. (Q3, IF:1.2)
19.Jian Chen, Kun Chen,Thomas V. McDonald, Post-transcriptional control of HERG potassium channel protein by al-adrenergic receptor stimulation, Molecular Pharmacology. 78(2010):186-97.(Q1, IF:6.5)
20.Zhi-Yuan Wu, Kun Chen, Yi-chun Zhu, Stimulation of androgen receptor AR45 variant stabilizes HERG potassium channel protein via activation of extracellular signal regulated kinase 1/2, Endocrinology,10(149)5061-5069 .(2008) (Q1, IF=5.3)
21.Xianfa, Yang Ran Wang,  Kun Chen, Ke Tang, Xingxu Huang, Naihe Jing, Yunbo Qiao TGFβ signaling hyperactivation-induced tumorigenicity during the derivation of neural progenitors from mouse ESCs.Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 2018, (Q1,IF:6.0)
22.Hong Zhong,Mengting Liu, Yaya Jia, Minjuan Ma,Kun Chen, Tingming Liang, Chang Liu Genipin Reverses HFD-Induced Liver Damage and Inhibits UCP2-Mediated Pyroptosis in Mice. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 2018 (Q1,IF:5.5)
23.Hong Zhong, Ke Chen, Mengyang Feng, Wei Shao, Jun Wu, Kun Chen, Tingming Liang, Chang Liu Genipin alleviates high-fat diet-induced hyperlipidemia and hepatic lipid accumulation in mice via miR-142a-5p/SREBP-1c axis. The FEBS Journal 2017 (Q1,IF:4.5)
24.Kun Chen, Jing-Ning Zhu, Hong-Zhao Li, Jian-Jun Wang, Histamine elicits neuronal excitatory response of red nucleus in the rat via H2 receptors in vitro, Neurosci. Lett. 351 (2003) 25-28. (Q3, IF:1.8)
25.Yue-Ping Zhang, Jing-Ning Zhu, Kun Chen, Jian-Jun Wang, Neurons in lateral hypothalamic area may integrate the information from gastric vagal nerves and cerebellar interpositus nucleus, Neurosignals 2005;14:234–243 (Q2, IF:4.0)
26.Wen-Zheng Ju, Kun Chen, Catena-Poly[[zinc(II)-u-[2-(2-car-boxylatophenyliminomethyl) solvate]. Acta Cryst, (2005). (Q3, IF:1.2)
27.Kun Chen, Kuan Cao, The Interaction of Histaminergic and GABAergic neurotransmission . J. Guangzhou University 2012.1
28.陈鲲,陈永顺,王雪君,鲁建军 Et-DHA激活线粒体通路和 T细胞Granny B诱导HepG2细胞凋亡, 中国病理生理杂志,2014;2
29.赵晶,邱楚英,陈鲲 高破壁富硒灵芝孢子粉对人肝癌细胞HepG2 抑制作用的研究, 广州中医药大学学报, 2014;1(通讯)
30.陈鲲,刘东凤,邱楚英,王雪君 白藜芦醇亚甲胺通过抗氧化对小鼠酒精性脂肪肝的改善作用, 广州中医药大学学报, 2014;3
31.陈鲲,王雪君,曹丽丽,张中伟 溴苯基二羟基苯基乙酮肟对小鼠淋巴细胞增殖和活化的影响, 四川大学学报(医学版)2014;8
32.陈鲲, 王雪君 血管代谢物在糖尿病心血管并发症早期诊断中的应用 广州大学学报 2014;1
33.陈鲲, 欧瑾仪, 周伯春 地方城市高校开设“动物细胞原代培养”实验教学改革初探.中国教育技术装备 2018;9
1.Wenting Xiong, Kun Chen*, Jianhua Wang, Qian Liu. CTAE and verbascoside protect against hepatotoxicity and ameliorates hypercholesterolemia in db/db mice. Hepatology. 2017(conference paper) (correspondence author) (Q1,IF:12)
2.Shuting Huang, xuejun Wang, Kun Chen, Ying YANG. Investigation of hydrogen sulphide effect on the reducing reperfusion injury in an acute myocadrdial infarction model. European Cells and Materials, 2016 (conference paper) (correspondence author) (Q2,IF:3.8)
3.Kun Chen *, Kuan Cao,Li-Ke Liu. HSP90 involves in the elevation of HERG potassium channel protein via activation of Prolonged α1A-adrenergic receptor Neuroscience Bulletin 2015 (conference paper) (correspondence author)
4. Kun Cao, Ke-Li Liu, Yong-Shun Chen, Xue-jun Wang, Yun-Fan Chen, Jing-fen Li, Chu-ying Qiu, Peng-peng Su, Kai Tang,Kun Chen. Protective effects of ethyl docosahexaenoate on kainic acid-induced PC12 cells and neuron apoptosis via antioxidative stress Neuroscience Bulletin 2013 (conference paper) (correspondence author)
5.Wentting Xiong, Xin Liu, Jin Tang,Chuqi Lu and Kun Chen. Comparative research hepatotoxicity of (+)-catechin and verbascoside on diabetic.Hepatology. 2018(conference paper) (correspondence author) (Q1,IF:12)
6.Shuting Huang, Kai Tang , Jiaqing Hu , Hao Liu , Ying Yang, Kun Chen. Effect of hydrogen sulfide on the mixed and purified cardiac cells in 2D and 3D models. Journal of cell biology 2016(conference paper) (correspondence author)
In Preparation Papers:
1.Kun Chen, Ke-li Liu, HERG channel protein are unregulated by α1A-adrenergic via Hsp90 ( in preparation).
2. Kun Chen, Jian-Jun Wang, Effect of H2 receptors on GABAB receptors globuspallidus by activation of PKA (in preparation).
3.Kun Chen,Ying Yang, H2S protects cardiac myocytes by regulating the proliferation and survival after ischemia (in preparation)
4.Kun Chen,Yong-shi Ma,Yu-lin Li,Hai-liang Zhu, Apoptosis in HepG2 Cells induced by New Tectorigenin and (in preparation)
5.Kun Chen, Ke-li Liu, Resveratrol methyleneimine inhibits the proliferation and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells via restoration of PGC-1α expression. (in reversion)
6.Kun Chen, Kuan Cao Protective effects of DHA against oxidative stress by KA in PC12 cells Neuropharmacol (in reversion)

参编书著 共1册

《生物工程中游技术实验手册》(应用生物技术系) 雷德柱 胡位荣 陈鲲 科学出版社(2011ISBN 9787030294135)






1. 2004年度获南京大学国家优秀博士研究生
2. 2012.06 2012届本科毕业论文(设计)创新奖 广州大学 一等奖 通讯(1)
3. 2012.06 2012届本科毕业论文(设计)创新奖 广州大学 二等奖 通讯(1)
4. 2014.06 2014届本科毕业论文(设计)创新奖 广州大学 二等奖 通讯(1)
5. 2018.06 2018届本科毕业论文(设计)创新奖 广州大学 三等奖 通讯(1)
6.2016.06 2016届广东省大学生创新训练项目 广州大学 优秀 通讯(1)

