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    1、外国专家引智项目                                金额:25.8万元


    1T800 级碳纤维树脂基复合材料超强韧化结构设计  金额:30万元

    2、复合材料技术研究                             金额:280万元

    3、结构轻量化技术                               金额:180万元


    1、铝合金/镁合金等新合金成分设计、组织测试  金额:5万元

    2、气凝胶外墙体保温材料                     金额:15.2万元

    3、固体浮力材料缺陷形成机理分析与控制      金额:10万元

    4、三星堆遗址出土1号青铜神树结构力学评估及复原研究  金额:14万元

    5、金属AM工艺过程熔池温度场数值模拟      金额:1.9万元


1、一种防止热解干馏气化炉排灰渣搭棚起拱机构 (专利号:ZL201920533773.4 [P].2019-04-19)
2、一种具有双层结构的可弯曲多孔导电复合材料的制备方法 (专利号:2019110878157 [P].2020-06-02)
3、高密度三维石墨烯泡沫/热塑性聚氨酯复合材料制备方法 (专利号:2019110885555 [P].2020-02-24)

部分学术论文 共15篇

[1]Wang, L., Wu, Y., Wang, Y., Li, H., Jiang, N., Niu, K., Laterally Compressed Graphene Foam/Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Composites for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. Composites: Part A, 2020, 133: 105887
[2]R. Han, Y. Wu, X. Quan, K. Niu, Effects of Crosslinking Densities on Mechanical Properties of Nitrile Rubber Composites in Thermal Oxidative Aging Environment . Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020: 49076.
[3]R. Han, X. Quan, Y. Shao, K. Niu, “Tribological properties of phenyl-silicone rubber composites with nano-CeO2 and graphene under thermal-oxidative aging”, Applied Nanoscience. 2020, 10(7), 2129-2138
[4]Yao J, Fang Q, Niu K et al. Effect of hydrophilic-hydrophobic ratio in self-emulsifying amphiphilic epoxy sizing agent on interfacial properties of carbon fibre/epoxy composites. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2020, 143: 105621
[5]Wang Y, Zuo J, Jiang N, Niu K, et al. Uniaxial tension deformation study of copper/nickel laminated composites: Effects of lamella number and interlamellar spacing. Computational Materials Science, 2020, 171: 109272.
[6]Li H, Xu Y, Zhang T, Niu K, et al. Interfacial adhesion and shear behaviors of aramid fiber/polyamide 6 composites under different thermal treatments. Polymer Testing, 2019: 106209.
[7]Yuan Y, Niu K, Zhang Z. Compressive Damage Mode Manipulation of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019: 106799.
[8]Yuan Y, Niu K, Wang Z. Compressive strength prediction of fibre reinforced polymer composites under lateral disturbance. Polymer Testing, 2019: 105952.
[9]Yao J, Niu K, Niu Y, Zhang T. Toughening Efficiency and Mechanism of Carbon Fibre epoxy matrix composites by PEK-C. Composite Structure, 2019, 111431.
[10] Han R, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Niu K, Thermal stability of CeO2/graphene/phenyl silicone rubber composites,Polymer Testing, 2019.
[11] Han J, Wang J, Zhang M, Niu K, Susceptibility of lithium containing aluminum alloys to cracking during solidification,Materialia, 2019, 5: 100203.
[12] Wang L, Jia J, Wu Y, Niu K, Antimony/reduced graphene oxide composites as advanced anodes for potassium ion batteries,Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2018: 1-6.
[13] Yuan Y, Yao X, Niu K, et al. Compressive failure of fiber reinforced polymer composites by imperfection,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2018.
[14] Niu K, Yuan Y, Yao X, Kink–band formation of fiber reinforced polymer (frp). The 21st international conference on composite materials (iccm21), xi'an, china, August 20-25, 2017.
[15] Niu K, Yuan Y, A study of kink–band formation of fiber reinforced resin composites. Society for the advancement of material and process engineering (SAMPE), Beijing, China, May 10-12, 2017.



研究领域:纳米碳材料的控制生长及其拉曼光谱学研究: 烯碳材料制备方法学; 烯碳纤维; 石墨炔的可控制备与应用探索; 纳米碳材料的拉曼光谱学。
长江特聘教授 国家杰出青年基金获得者
研究领域:(1)低铂及非铂催化剂 (2)锂插入化合物 (3)材料模拟计算
研究领域:以小分子液晶、高分子液晶以及液晶/高分子复合材料为研究对象,围绕材料的分子结构或微观结构与其性能的关系以,在功能性液晶材料、液晶复合材料的分子设计、微结构和性能调控及其在规模化加工过程中的关键技术问题等方面进行系统的研究。 研究领域包括: (1)液晶材料的分子设计与制备; (2)汽车门窗用智能调光膜; (3)全柔性液晶显示器; (4)具有多种外场刺激响应性的液晶聚合物弹性体; (5)液晶性聚合物电解质; (6)液晶高分子/碳纤维复合材料。