


部分学术论文 共15篇

1. Exchange-coupled SmCo5/Co nanocomposites synthesized by a novel strategy,Zhenhui Ma, Tianli Zhang,Chengbao Jiang*,RSC Advances,2015, 5, 89128
2. 2:17-type SmCo quasi-single-crystal high temperature magnets,Tianli Zhang,Liu Hongyuan,Chengbao Jiang,Applied Physics Letters,106, 162403,2015
3. Single crystal growth and magnetic properties of 2:17-type SmCo magnets,Tianli Zhang,Liu Hongyuan,Chengbao Jiang,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,637,15,2015, 253-256
4. A facile synthesis of high performance SmCo5 nanoparticles, Zhenhui Ma, Tianli Zhang, Chengbao Jiang. Chemical Engineering Journal 264,2015,610–616
5. Evolution of phase and microstructure in anisotropic nanocrystalline SmCo6.1Si0.9 magnets ,Shizhong An, Tianli Zhang,Chengbao Jiang,J. Appl. Phys. 115, 4,043901,2014
6. Magnetic texture and coercivity of anisotropic nanocrystalline SmCo6.1Si0.9 magnets,An, Shizhong; Zhang, Tianli; Jiang, Chengbao,J. Appl. Phys.,115,17,17A701,2014
7. A study on laminated structures in Terfenol-D/Epoxy particulate composite with enhanced magnetostriction, Tian Du, Tianli Zhang, Hao Meng, Xiaoming Zhou, and Chengbao Jiang, J. Appl. Phys. 115,24, 243909, 2014
8. Frequency dependence of loss behavior in bonded anisotropic giant magnetostrictive materials; Hao Meng,Tianli Zhang, Chengbao Jiang; IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS,50, 9, 2503504, 2014
9. Design of a uniform bias magnetic field for giant magnetostrictive actuators applying triple-ring magnets, Zhang Heng, Zhang Tianli*, Jiang Chengbao, Smart Mater. Struct. , 2013, 22, 11, 115009
10. Cut-off frequency of magnetostrictive materials based on permeability spectra Meng, Hao, Zhang, Tianli, Jiang, Chengbao, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 324(12), 1933-1937, 2012.
11. Magnetostrictive actuators with large displacement and fast response, Zhang, Heng, Zhang, Tianli*, Jiang, Chengbao, Smart Materials and Structures, 21(5), 1-7, 2012.
12. Grain-<111>-oriented anisotropy in the bonded giant magnetostrictive material,Hao Meng, Tianli Zhang, Chengbao Jiang, Huibin Xu,Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, 102501, 2010
13. Zhang TL, Jiang CB, Xu HB and Mao JQ,Permanent-magnet longitudinal fields for magnetostrictive devices,J. Appl. Phys.,2007,101, 034511
14. Zhang TL, Jiang CB, Liu XL, et al. Dynamic magnetostrain properties of giant magnetostrictive alloy actuators for damping,Smart Materials & Structures,2005,14 (4),N38-N41
15. Zhang TL, Jiang CB, Zhang H, et al. Giant magnetostrictive actuators for active vibration control,Smart Materials & Structures,2004,13(3),473-477




研究领域:纳米碳材料的控制生长及其拉曼光谱学研究: 烯碳材料制备方法学; 烯碳纤维; 石墨炔的可控制备与应用探索; 纳米碳材料的拉曼光谱学。
长江特聘教授 国家杰出青年基金获得者
研究领域:(1)低铂及非铂催化剂 (2)锂插入化合物 (3)材料模拟计算
研究领域:以小分子液晶、高分子液晶以及液晶/高分子复合材料为研究对象,围绕材料的分子结构或微观结构与其性能的关系以,在功能性液晶材料、液晶复合材料的分子设计、微结构和性能调控及其在规模化加工过程中的关键技术问题等方面进行系统的研究。 研究领域包括: (1)液晶材料的分子设计与制备; (2)汽车门窗用智能调光膜; (3)全柔性液晶显示器; (4)具有多种外场刺激响应性的液晶聚合物弹性体; (5)液晶性聚合物电解质; (6)液晶高分子/碳纤维复合材料。