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在Nature Biotechnology,Nature Communications 等杂志上发表SCI收录学术论文153篇,被SCI他人引用9000 余次。2001年作为第一主编,撰编了由美国Harwood Academic 出版社出版的世界上第一部关于生物芯片技术的英文专著《Biochip Technology》。曾两次荣获国家技术发明奖二等奖(2007年、2018年)、树兰医学奖(2018年)、首届转化医学杰出贡献奖(2018年)、黄家驷生物医学工程奖一等奖(2017年)、谈家桢生命科学成就奖(2016年)、中国工程院光华工程科技奖(2014年)、中国首届杰出工程师奖(2014年)、何梁何利科学与技术创新奖(2008年)、第八届中国青年科技奖(2008年)、中国科协求是杰出青年成果转化奖(2004年)、留学回国人员成就奖(2003年)等奖项。

部分学术论文 共11篇

1. Dai, P., Huang, L., Wang, J., Gao, X., Qu, C., Chen, X., Ma, F., Zhang, J., Xing, W., Xi, S., Ma, B., Pan, Y., Cheng, X., Duan, H., Yuan, Y., Zhao, L., Chang, L., Gao, R., Liu, H., Zhang, W., Huang, S., Kang, D., Liang, W., Zhang, K., Jiang, H., Guo, L., Zhou, Y., Zhang, W., Lyu, F., JIn, Y., Zhou, Z., Lu, H., Zhang, X., Liu, P., Ke,J., Hao, J., Huang, H., Jiang, D., Ni, X., Long, M., Zhang, L., Qiao, J., Morton, C., Liu, X., Cheng, J., Han, D."Concurrent hearing and genetic screening of 180,469 neonates with follow-up in Beijing, China." (2019) The American Journa of Human Genetic, 105(4): 803-812.
2. Xu, Y., Xie, X., Duan, Y., Wang, L., Cheng, Z., Cheng, J. "A review of impedance measurements of whole cells" (2016) Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 77: 824-836.
3. Sun, Y., Huang, Y., Yin, A., Pan, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, C., Du, Y., Wang, M., Lan, F., Hu, Z., Wang, G., Jiang, M., Ma, J., Zhang, X., Ma, H., Ma, J., Zhang, W.,Huang, Q., Zhou, Z., Ma, L., Li, Y., Jiang, H., Xie, L., Jiang, Y., Shi, B., Cheng, J., Shen, H., Wang, L. and Yang, Y. "Genome-wide association study identifies a new susceptibility locus for cleft lip with or without a cleft palate” (2015) Nature Communications, 6: 6414.
4. Guo, H., Liu, H., Mitchelson, K., Rao, H., Luo, M., Xie, L., Sun, Y., Zhang, L., Lu, Ying., Liu, R., Ren, A., Liu, S., Zhou, S., Zhu, J., Zhou, Y., Huang, A., Wei, L., Guo, Y. and Cheng, J. "MicroRNAs-372/373 promote the expression of hepatitis B virus through the targeting of nuclear factor I/B” (2011) Hepetology, 54 (3): 808–819.
5.Wang, L., Zhu, J., Deng, C., Xing, W. and Cheng, J. "An automatic and quantitative on-chip cell migration assay using self-assembled monolayers combined with real-time cellular impedance sensing” (2008) (封面) Lab on a Chip, 8(6): 872-878.
6.Qiao, J., Shao, W., Wei, H., Sun, Y., Zhao, Y., Xing, W., Zhang, L., Mitchelson, K. and Cheng, J. "Novel high-throughput profiling of human transcription factors and its use for systematic pathway mapping” (2008) Journal of Proteome Research, 7(7): 2769-2779.
7.Li, C., Pan, Q., Guo, Y., Li, Y., Gao, H., Zhang, D., Hu, H., Xing, W., Mitchelson, K., Xia, K., Dai, P. and Cheng, J. "Construction of a multiplex allele-specific PCR-based universal array (ASPUA) and its application to hearing loss screening” (2008) Human Mutation, 29(2): 306-314.
8.Guo, Y., Guo, H., Zhang, L., Xie, H., Zhao, X., Wang, F., Li, Z., Wang, Y., Ma, S., Tao, J., Wang, W., Zhou, Y., Yang, W. and Cheng, J. "Genomic analysis of anti-Hepatitis B Virus(HBV) activity by Small Interfering RNA and lamivudine in stable HBV-producing cell” (2005) Journal of Virology, 2005, 79(22): 14392-14403.
9. Du, H., Wu, M., Yang, W., Yuan, G., Sun, Y., Lu, Y., Zhao, S., Du, Q., Wang, J., Yang, S., Pan, M., Lu, Y., Wang, S. and Cheng, J. "Development of miniaturized competitive immunoassays on a protein chip as a screening tool for drugs” (2005) Clinical Chemistry, 51(2): 368-375.
10.Cheng, J., Sheldon, E.L., Wu, L., Uribe, A., Gerrue, L.O., Heller, M.J., Carrino, J. and O‘ Connell, J.P. "Preparation and hybridization analysis of DNA/RNA from E. coli on microfabricated bioelectronic chips” (1998) (封面) Nature Biotechnology, 16(6): 541-546.
11. Cheng,J. and Kricka, L.J. (eds.) Biochip Technology. Harwood Academic Publishers, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.,2001.



