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科研项目 共23项

中德国际研究培训项目“Adaptation of maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources粮食-饲料-能源玉米生产系统磷资源高效利用 ” (2019-2027)
国际合作项目“Use of micronutrient containing fertilizers for biofortification of food crops and improving grain yield in different countries-phase I, II, III, IV”(2008.05-2021.05),主持
山西省科委国际合作项目 “内陆盐碱土改良利用调控机理与技术合作研究”( 2015-2018),参加
国家自然科学基金面上项目 “磷供应影响禾谷类作物籽粒锌累积和有效性的作用机制”(2013.01-2017.12),主持
国际锌协会项目“Zinc application improves production and quality of wheat, rice and maize” (2010.01-2011.12),参加
国家自然科学基金面上项目 “氮素供应对铁向籽粒转移的影响及其作用机制”(2009.01-2011.12),主持
国家973项目 “主要粮食作物高产栽培与资源高效利用的基础研究-高产作物水肥高效利用的根-土互作机理”(2009.01-2013.01),专题主持支持
国家自然科学基金面上项目 “中国小麦籽粒铁含量分析及其高铁累积的生理和分析机制” (2007.01-2009.12),主持
中澳国际合作项目“A Food Systems Strategy to Balance Plant and Human Nutrition at Village Level”(2007.03-2008.03),主持
科技支撑项目 “平衡施肥与养分管理技术-小麦和玉米大中微量元素配合施用与平衡施肥技术”(2006-2010),子课题主持
国家自然科学基金面上项目 “旱稻铁锌营养的根际调控机制” (2006.01-2006.12),主持
国际合作项目 “Screening of high iron-zinc wheat genotype and its nutritional function study”(2005-2008),参加
国家自然科学基金面上项目 “硅提高植物水分利用效率的机制” (2003.01-2005.12),主持
国家自然科学基金面上项目“不同供氮形态植物生长效应的机理研究” (2001.01-2003.12),主持
国家自然科学基金面上项目 “提高植物体内再利用效率的机理研究” (2009.01-2002.12),参加
科技支撑项目 “氮-磷胁迫条件下植物根/土界面氮、磷迁移及其对环境与农产品品质的影响” (1999.12-2004.12),参加
教育部博士点基金 “质外体在植物抗缺铁胁迫中的作用与机理”(2002.01-2004.12),参加
中-荷国际合作项目“Zinc bioavailability to aerobic rice”(2002.11-2006.11),参加
教育部博士点基金 “利用豌豆单基因突变体探讨铁向籽粒中的转运机制”(1999.01-2001.12),共同主持

部分学术论文 共38篇

Chen XX, Liu YM, Zhao QY, Cao WQ, Chen XP, Zou CQ*. 2020. Health risk assessment associated with heavy metal accumulation in wheat after long-term phosphorus fertilizer application. Environmental Pollution, 262:114348
Zhao QY, Zhang W, Chen XX, Xu SJ, Zou CQ*. 2020. Zinc fractions in soils and uptake in winter wheat as affected by repeated applications of zinc fertilizer. Soil and Tillage Research. 200:104612.
Liu DY, Zhang W, Liu YM, Chen XP*, Zou CQ. 2020. Soil application of zinc fertilizer increases maize yield by enhancing the kernel number and kernel weight of inferior grain. Frontier in Plant Science, 11:118.
Liu YM, Liu DY, Zhang W, Chen XX, Zhao QY, Chen XP, Zou CQ*. 2020. Health risk assessment of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, As and Cr) in wheat grain receiving repeated Zn fertilizers. Environmental Pollution. 257 :113581
Chen XX, Zhang W, Liang XY, Liu YM, Xu SJ, Zhao QY, Du YF, Zhang L, Chen XP, Zou CQ.* 2019. Phosphorus management optimized the physiological and developmental traits associated with grain yield of winter wheat. Scientific Reports
Xue YF, Yue SC, Liu DY, Zhang W, Chen XP, Zou CQ*. 2019. Dynamic zinc accumulation and contributions of pre- and/or post-silking zinc uptake to grain zinc of maize as affected by nitrogen supply. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10:1203
Rasjod A, Ram, H, Zou CQ, Rerkaserm, B, Daurte AP, Simunji S, Yazici A, Guo SW, Rizwan M, Bal RS, Wang ZH, Malik SS, Phattarakul N, Freitas RS, Lungu O, Barros VLNP, Cakmak I*. 2019. Effect of zinc-biofortified seeds on grain yield of wheat, rice, and comon bean grown in six countries. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 182:791-804
Zou CQ, Du YF, Rashid A, Ram H, Savasli E, Pieterse P J, Ortiz-Monasterio I, Yazici A, Kaur C, Mahmood K, Singh S, Le Roux MR, Kuang W, Onder O, Kalayci M, and Cakmak I*. 2019. Simultaneous biofortification of wheat with zinc, iodine, selenium and iron through foliar treatment of a micronutrient cocktail in six countries. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 67:8096-8106
. Zhao RR,Qu BY,Tong YP,Zou CQ*. 2019. Iron and zinc accumulation in winter wheat regulated by NICOTIANAMINE SYNTHASE responded to increasing nitrogen levels. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 42(14):1624-1636
Liu DY, Liu YM, Zhang W, Chen XP, Zou CQ*. 2019. Zinc uptake, translocation, and remobilization in winter wheat as affected by soil application of Zn fertilizer. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10:426.
Chen XX, Zhang W, Wang Q, Liu YM, Liu DY, Zou CQ*. 2019. Zinc nutrition of wheat in response to application of phosphorus to a calcareous soil and an acid soil. Plant and Soil. 434:139–150
Zhang WS, Liang ZY, He XM, Wang XZ, Shi XJ, Zou CQ, Chen XP*. 2019. The effects of controlled release urea on maize productivity and reactive nitrogen losses: A meta-analysis. Environmental Pollution 246: 559-565
Deng Y, Teng W, Tong YP, Chen XP, Zou CQ*. 2018. Phosphorus efficiency mechanisms of two wheat cultivars as affected by a range of phosphorus levels in the field. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9:1614.
Wang XZ, Liu B, Su YX, Guo XS, Jin ZH, Xu WN, Zhao YZ, Zhang FS, Zou CQ*, Chen XP. 2018. Environmental costs and mitigation potential in plastic-greenhouse pepper production system in China: A life cycle assessment. Agricultural Systems 167:186-194
Zhang W, Chen XX, Liu YM, Liu DY, Du YF, Chen XP, Zou CQ*. 2018. The role of phosphorus supply in maximizing the leaf area, photosynthetic rate, coordinated to grain yield of summer maize. Field Crops Research. 219:113-119
Karim MD, Tian D, Zhang YQ, Chen FJ, Zou CQ*. 2018 Fine roots for uptake and translocation of zinc into young leaves as important traits for zinc efficiency of maize genotypes. Communications in Soil and Plant Analysis. 49(18): 2345–2356
Gao SJ, Chang DN, Zou CQ*, Cao WD*, Gao JS, Huang J, Bai JS, Zeng NH, Rees RM, Thorup-Kristensen K. 2018. Archaea are the predominant and responsive ammonia oxidizing prokaryotes in a red paddy soil receiving green manures. European Journal of Soil Biology. 88:27-35
Wang XZ, Zou CQ,Zhang YQ, Shi XJ, Liu JZ, Fan SS, Liu YM, Du YF, Zhao QY, Tan YG, Wu CL, Chen XP*. 2018. Environmental impacts of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) production affected by nutrient management: A case study in southwest China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 171:934-943
Wang XZ, Zou CQ,Gao XP, Guan XL, Zhang WS, Zhang YQ, Shi XJ, Chen XP*. 2018. Nitrous oxide emissions in Chinese vegetable systems: A metaanalysis. Environmental Pollution. 239:375-383
Gao SJ, Gao JS, Cao WD*, Zou CQ*, Huang J, Bai JS, Dou FG. 2018. Effects of long-term green manure application on the content and structure of dissolved organic matter in red paddy soil. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 17(5): 60345-7
Gao SJ, Cao WD*, Zou CQ*, Gao JS, Huang J, Bai JS, Zeng NH, Shimizu KY, Wright A, Dong FG. 2018. Ammonia-oxidizing archaea are more sensitive than ammonia-oxidizing bacteria to long-term application of green manure in red paddy soil. Applied Soil Ecology. 124:185-193
Ren YZ*, Qian YY*, Xu YH, Zou CQ, Liu DC, Zhao XQ, Zhang AM, Tong YP. 2017. Characterization of QTLs for root traits of wheat grown under different nitrogen and phosphorus supply levels. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:2096
Chen XP, Zhang Y Q, YP Tong, Xue YF, Liu DY, Zhang W, Deng Y, Meng QF, Yue SC, Yan P, Cui ZL, Shi XJ, Guo SW, Sun YX, Ye YL, Wang ZH, Jia LL, Ma WQ, He MR, Zhang XY, Kou CL, Li YT, Tan DS, Cakmak I Zhang FS, Zou CQ*. 2017. Harvesting more grain zinc of wheat for human health. Scientific Reports.7:7016
Liu DY, Liu YM, Zhang W, Chen XP, Zou CQ*. 2017. Agronomic Approach of Zinc Biofortification Can Increase Zinc Bioavailability in Wheat Flour and thereby Reduce Zinc Deficiency in Humans. Nutrients. 9(5): 465
Liu DY, Zhang W, Yan P, Chen XP, Zhang FS, Zou CQ*. 2017. Soil application of zinc fertilizer could achieve the high yield and high grain zinc concentration of maize. Plant and Soil, 411:47-55
Liu DY, Zhang W, Pang LL, Zhang YQ, Wang XZ, Liu YM, Chen XP, Zhang FS, Zou CQ*. 2017. Effects of zinc application rate and zinc distribution relative to root distribution on grain yield and grain Zn concentration in wheat. Plant and Soil. 411:167–178
Deng Y Feng G, Chen XP, Zou CQ*. 2017. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal colonization is considerable at optimal Olsen-P levels for maximized yields in an intensive wheat-maize cropping system. Field Crops Research. 209:1-9
Zhang W, Chen XX, Liu YM, Liu DY, Chen XP, Zou CQ*. 2017. Zinc uptake by roots and accumulation in maize plants as affected by phosphorus application and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization. Plant Soil. 413:59–71
Zhang W, Liu DY, Liu YM, Chen XP, Zou CQ*. 2017. Overuse of phosphorus fertilizer reduces the grain and flour protein and zinc bioavailability of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 65: 1473-1482
Zhang W, Liu DY, Li C, Chen XP, Zou CQ*. 2017. Accumulation, partitioning, and bioavailability of micronutrients in summer maize as affected by phosphorus supply. Europe Journal of Agronomy. 86: 48-59
Liu DY, Zhang W, Pang LL, Zhang YQ, Wang XZ, LYM, Chen XP, Zhang FS, Zou CQ*. 2016. Effects of zinc application rate and zinc distribution relative to root distribution on grain yield and grain Zn concentration in wheat. Plant and Soil,
Xue YF, Zhang W, Liu DY, Xia HY,Zou CQ*. 2016. Nutritional composition of iron, zinc, calcium, and phosphorus in wheat grain milling fractions as affected by fertilizer nitrogen supply. Cereal Chemistry. 93(6):543-549
Zhang W, Liu DY, Liu YM, Cui ZL, Chen XP, Zou CQ*. 2016. Zinc uptake and accumulation in winter wheat relative to changes in root morphology and mycorrhizal colonization following varying phosphorus application on calcareous soil. Field Crops Research.197:74-82
Zhan A, Zou CQ, Ye YL,Liu ZH, Cui ZL∗, Chen XP. 2016. Estimating on-farm wheat yield response to potassium and potassium uptake requirement in China. Field Crops Research. 191: 13-19
Lu DJ, Yue SC, Lu FF, Cui ZL, Liu ZH, Zou CQ, Chen XP. 2016. Integrated crop-N system management to establish high wheat yield population. Field Crops Research 191: 66–74
Ram H, Rashid A, Zhang W, Duarte AP, Phattarakul N, Simunji S, Kalayci M, Freitas R, Rerkasem B, Bal RS, Mahmood K, Savasli E, Lungu O, Wang ZH, Barros de VLNP, Malik SS, Arisoy RZ, Guo JX, Sohu VS, Zou CQ, Cakmak I. 2016. Biofortification of wheat, rice and common bean by applying foliar zinc fertilizer along with pesticides in seven countries. Plant and Soil. 403:389–401
Wang YH,Zou CQ, Mirza Z, Li H, Zhang ZZ, Li DP, Xu CL, Zhou XB, Shi XJ, Xie DT, He XH, Zhang YQ. 2016. Cost of agronomic biofortification of wheat with zinc in China. Agronomy Sustainable Development. 36: 37-44
Yin HJ, Gao XP, Stomph TJ, Li LJ, Zhang FS, Zou CQ*. 2016. Zinc Concentration in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Grains and allocation in plants as affected by different zinc fertilization strategies. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 41 (6):761-768

参编书著 共10册

1. 中国土壤和作物中微量元素营养现状与展望, 中国农业大学出版社, 2009, 主编.
2. 根际生态学—过程与调控,中国农业大学出版社, 2009, 参编.
3. Biofortified Agricultural Products, CRC press, 2009, 参编.
4. Micronutrient Deficiencies in Global Crop Production, Spring Publisher, 2008, 参编
5. 中国覆盖旱作水稻理论与实践,中国农业大学出版社, 2007, 参编.
6. 养分资源综合管理理论与实践概论, 中国农业大学出版社,2006, 参编.
7. 植物营养学(上册, 第二版), 中国农业出版社, 2003, 参编.
8. 土壤与植物营养研究新动态, 中国农业大学出版社出版, 2001, 参编.
9. 环境胁迫与植物根际营养,中国农业出版社, 1998, 参编.
10. 土壤与植物营养研究新动态, 中国农业出版社, 1995, 参编.



研究领域:根际营养与磷资源高效利用: 1. 玉米根系 2. 氮磷高效生理遗传育种
研究领域:1. 废弃物资源肥料化利用 2. 设施土壤改良与面源污染防控
研究领域:1. 植物营养调控与施肥技术创新研究 2. 养分综合管理
研究领域:1. 土壤物理 2. 作物水分利用与节水农业 
研究领域:1. 土壤、地表水和大气的环境质量演变与驱动机制 2. 土壤碳氮循环与温室气体排放 3. 土壤氮素非生物转化的机制